Ministry to Men & Women

About Us

Men and women are created equally, yet uniquely, in the image of God. In many ways, the discipleship of men and women can occur alongside one another in the context of our Sunday Gatherings or Gospel Communities. However, recognizing the uniqueness of God's creation in the genders of mankind, we see the value of settings that cater to the special way God has created and gifted both man and woman. Because of this, we value distinct ministries aimed at helping men and women become mature disciples of Christ.

Our Ministry to Men and Ministry to Women provide a place of gender-specific discipleship, where men and women are specifically invited to "embrace the good news of Jesus in all of life." These ministries seek to facilitate corporate community among our men and women and to provide biblically-based teaching aimed at the nuances of our creation.

What We Do

Our Ministry to Men and Ministry to Women provide gender-specific gatherings throughout the year, along with annual retreats, and Equipping Classes geared toward each gender. To learn more about events, contact one of our ministry directors below.