Children's Ministry Lesson for June 6

Children's Ministry News

There will be classes for all ages at GLC this Sunday!
  • Tots (ages 1-3) will be in the Tots room.
  • Tykes/Kids (ages 4-8) will be outside but we'll bring them back inside once it gets hot.  We will have water and small cups available for the kids.
  • Students (ages 9-11) will be inside in the Students room.
Please don't forget to pick your kiddos up from class after service is dismissed.  Thank you!

We use Gospel Project for Kids curriculum for the Children's Ministry at GLC.  The Gospel Project for Kids is a Christ-centered ongoing weekly Bible study resource that looks at the big picture of God's story; the story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Each week, kids of all ages will follow a chronological timeline of Bible events, all the while learning how each story points to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  To download the app and follow along at home, click here. 

Paul's Third Journey

This upcoming Sunday your child will learn about:  Paul's Third Journey
Story Point:  As Paul traveled on his third missionary journey, he used every opportunity to tell people the good news about Jesus and to help the church. Paul was dedicated to Jesus, who called him to do the work of sharing the gospel.
Family Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 6:12
Big Picture Question:  What is Sanctification?
Big Picture Answer:  Sanctification is the process of becoming more like Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Dear Parents,

Paul’s third missionary journey was unlike his first two because he didn’t set out to plant churches. Instead, his mission was to encourage and strengthen existing churches. Paul wrote letters to the churches, but he knew some guidance was best given in person.

The Holy Spirit led Paul to go to Jerusalem. This wasn’t an easy call to obey. The Spirit revealed to Paul that imprisonment and suffering awaited in Jerusalem. (See Acts 20:23.) Hadn’t Paul done enough? He had spent years preaching the gospel, and many people believed. Wasn’t now a good time for Paul to retire comfortably on a beach somewhere?

Emphasize to your kids that Paul did not cling to his own life. As Paul traveled on his third missionary journey, he used every opportunity to tell people the good news about Jesus and to help the church. Paul was dedicated to Jesus, who called him to do the work of sharing the gospel. God helped Paul preach with courage even when he was in danger. Paul boarded the ship to Jerusalem, uncertain of the future but certain of the goodness and grace of the Lord Jesus.

Gospel Gems to Discuss at Home

Gospel Tots (ages 1-3)
○The church grows when people believe the good news.
○Paul told people about Jesus everywhere he went.
○The church grew in the places Paul preached.
○Telling people about Jesus is most important.
○God makes us more like Jesus.
Gospel Tykes & Kids (ages 4-8)
○Paul told as many people as he could about Jesus.
○What is sanctification? Sanctification is how God makes us more like Jesus.
Gospel Students (ages 9-11)
○Paul used every opportunity to tell people about Jesus.
○What is sanctification? Sanctification is the process of becoming more like Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Watch the video lesson below!




