Sunday Recap: September 19, 2021

This week Pastor Tyler taught through 2 Timothy 1:3-7 calling us to respond to the Gospel by serving one another.

  • Men's Fall Equip meets the first three weeks of September. The men are participating in Paul Tripps conference: "Men of Faith"
Monday, September 20 7:00-8:30 pm

  • Covenant Member Gathering Wednesday, September 22, 6:30PM
Our Covenant Member Gatherings are such an important time as they allow us to meet together as a family and discuss important topics in our ministries, member care, and finances. For this meeting, we'll have the primary task of approving our FY2021-2022 Budget.
RSVP Here!

  • Membership Class Sunday, September 26, 1PM
Our Membership Class is focused on the mission, values, and discipleship strategy at Gospel Life Church. The purpose of this class is to explore these elements and help you decide if God is calling you to partner with Gospel Life Church.

October: Women's Equipping Class
Gospel Life Women, mark you calendars for our Fall Women's Equip which will be held on the Mondays in October! Registration coming soon!




