Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child

We have a wonderful opportunity at GLC to participate in Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child.  Samaritan's Purse is bringing shoebox gifts and the Good New of Jesus Christ to some of the most remote corners of the globe.  This is a wonderful opportunity to teach our children about giving and the love of Jesus!

During all classes on Sunday, November 7, we will handing out "Shoebox Label Flyers" to help get you started on packing your shoebox.  If you'd like to participate, please bring your packed shoebox back to GLC on Sunday, November, 21.

This is a church wide event that all can participate in, even if you don't have children in the Children's Ministry!  There will be information on the back table in the sanctuary.  

Where to Start

Step 1:  You need a shoebox.  Get a standard-size shoebox to pack for a boy or girl.  Any shoebox will work!
Step 2:  "WOW" item.  Select a quality "wow" toy such as a doll, soccer ball with pump, or stuffed animal to bless a child.
Step 3:  Pack full with other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies.
Step 4:  Pray for the child who will receive your gift.  Include a personal note and photo to delight the heart of a child.  
Step 5:  Donate $9 per box.  A donation of $9 per box is critical to cover shipping and other project costs.  
Step 6:  Drop off.  Take your shoebox gift to a local drop-off location during National Collection Week, Nov.15-22 or bring to GLC on Sunday, November 21.

How to Pack your Shoebox

Build Your Shoebox Online

Samaritan's Purse has also made it easy to create a shoebox by building one online!  Click on the link below to get started!
Build Your Shoebox Online! - Operation Christmas Child (samaritanspurse.org)




