Sunday Recap April 3, 2022

This Sunday we began our Easter series as Pastor Tyler preached on Mark 10:32-45 showing us how the gospel calls us to a life centered around proclaiming the good news of God's kingdom.

  • Covenant Member Gathering  April 20, 6:30pm | RSVP Here
Covenant Members of Gospel Life Church, please join us for our Covenant Member Gathering on the evening of Wednesday, April 20. Our Covenant Member Gatherings are such an important time as they allow us to meet together as a family and discuss important topics in our ministries, member care, and finances. We ask that you please make it a priority to attend as the information presented in these meetings is pertinent to all Covenant Members of Gospel Life Church. Participation in these meetings is valuable to us, as it is one of the ways our covenant with one another is practically played out. With that, feel free to break from your normal rhythm of Gospel Communities in order to place a priority on attending this gathering. Childcare will be available for children over 1 year of age. If you need childcare, please ensure to RSVP for yourself and your children.
Everyone loves brunch, and that's what we'll be having at the Women's Tea coming up April 23rd from 9-11:30 am at Gospel Life Church. So come have brunch... and tea... and coffee...and all the things with us while we eat, worship, and study God's word together. I already mentioned brunch, coffee, and scripture but don't forget skits; there will be skits, and big hats, and so many other things to make us laugh and genuinely enjoy the time together. To pull all of this off we need A LOT of help, so if you are interested in hosting a table, helping host a table, greeting people, cleaning up, running powerpoint name it, we probably need help with it, please let us know! So mark your calendars and make it a point to come! Our prayer is that you will leave this event encouraged to live out our great Gospel in the places you live alongside other ladies who are striving to do the same thing. If you're interested in hosting a table please reach out to Victoria Zinkgraf.

  •  Membership Class April 24th, 1pm | RSVP Here
Our Membership Class is focused on the mission, values, and discipleship strategy at Gospel Life Church. The purpose of this class is to explore these elements of our local body and help you understand how they play out practically at Gospel Life ChurchChildcare can be arranged as needed. If you need childcare, please ensure to register your children as well.

  • Parent/Child Commitment Ceremony, May 8 |  RSVP Here
Covenant Members of Gospel Life Church, you're invited to participate in our upcoming Parent/Child Commitment Ceremony. This is a time when parents and their Gospel Life Church covenant family commit to raise their children as disciples of Christ. This ceremony is open to all Gospel Life Church covenant members with children pre-school aged and younger. To participate in this event, please RSVP for yourself and the children you would like to be part of the ceremony




