Sunday Recap August 21, 2022

This Sunday Pastor Tyler preached on Ecclesiastes 6:1-12 showing us that pursuing wealth will leave us restless and frustrated. Jesus provides true rest and joy.


Goodbye Summer Popsicle Party, August 28, 11:30AM | RSVP Here
       Please join us for our "Goodbye Summer!" Popsicle Party hosted by the Children's Ministry of Gospel Life Church after the gathering.  It will be a small celebration outside by the picnic tables.  To ensure that we have enough popsicles for everyone, please register your kiddo.

Youth Parent Info Meeting, August 31, 6:00PM | RSVP Here
       For parents and youth, our info dinner is a great way to come check out the Youth Gospel Community, ask questions, and find out about where we are headed! Dinner is provided, please RSVP!

Men's Equip Fall Kickoff, September 12, 6:00PM | RSVP Here
       Join the men from Gospel Life as we kick off our Fall Equip Study! We'll have dinner together, talk about our upcoming study through Tim Keller's "The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness", and enjoy some time together. Register soon so we have enough food for you!




