Sunday Recap September 25, 2022

This Sunday Jacob Lee preached on Luke 24:44-53 showing us that God opens the eyes and ears of those around us to the Gospel while also sharing about his missionary work with Reaching Africa’s Unreached.


Giving Survey | Complete Survey Here
       As we look toward the new fiscal year and what God has placed on our hearts to accomplish, we’d like to be a little more ambitious with the projected budget. We are asking you to help us plan by filling out an anonymous giving survey estimating how much you might give in the 2022-2023 fiscal year. We ask that you review your income, if married, talk with your spouse, and pray to discern how God might lead you to financially support Gospel Life Church. Our desire is that you give joyfully and sacrificially, motivated by grace. Please watch this video for an explanation of the survey and our 2022-2023 budget goals.

Men's Fall Equip, October 3, 6:00PM | RSVP Here
        Join the men from Gospel Life as we study Tim Keller's "The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness". We'll be looking at how we can grow in finding identity and purpose in Christ and learning how to discern when we are finding it somewhere else.

Women’s Fall Equip, October 10, 6:45PM | RSVP Here
       Join the women of Gospel life as they study how the book of Isaiah is used in the Gospel of Mark!




