Children's Ministry Lesson for December 25

Children's Ministry News

Merry Christmas!  This Sunday is Family Sunday, and all children will remain in service with their families.  We will have activity pages in the back of the sanctuary that coincide with this week's lesson.  The Young Family room is always open for families with small children.

Now for this week's lesson...

Daniel Served God!

This upcoming Sunday your child will learn about: Daniel Served God!
Story Point:  God humbled the proud king of Babylon by taking away his kingdom. King Jesus willingly humbled Himself by dying on the cross for our sin. God raised up Jesus and gave Him honor forever. When we humble ourselves and trust in Jesus, God will raise us up to enjoy Jesus in His kingdom forever.
Family Bible Reading:  For it was you who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made. Your works are wondrous, and I know this very well. Psalm 139:13-14
Big Picture Question: What makes people special?
Big Picture Answer:   People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.

Gospel Gems to Discuss at Home

Gospel Tots (ages 1 & 2 years old)
  • The king of Babylon did not love and obey God. God punished the king. King Jesus obeyed God and gave His life to rescue us from sin.
Gospel Tykes (ages 3 -5 years old)
  • The king of Babylon thought he was better than God. No one is better than God. God punished the king. Jesus obeyed God and gave His life to rescue us from sin.
Gospel Kids (K - 2nd grade)
  • The king of Babylon thought he was better than God. No one is better than God. God punished the king. Jesus obeyed God and gave His life to rescue us from sin. God raised up Jesus to give Him honor as the true King forever and ever.
Gospel Students (3rd - 5th grade)
  • God humbled the proud king of Babylon by taking away his kingdom. King Jesus willingly humbled Himself by dying on the cross for our sin. God raised up Jesus and gave Him honor forever. When we humble ourselves and trust in Jesus, God will raise us up to enjoy Jesus in His kingdom forever.

Watch the video lesson below!




