Children's Ministry Lesson for December 17

Children's Ministry News

Jesus and Jammies is this Sunday, December 17!!!  Wear your favorite Christmas Pj's to church this Sunday!  After service, there will be cookies for all our kiddos.  We look forward to celebrating with everyone on the last Sunday before Christmas!  Adults, you are welcome to wear your favorite Christmas shirt and join in the Christmas fun!

For this Sunday, we will have classes for:
  • Gospel Tots - ages 1 - 2 Years Old 
  • Gospel Tykes - ages 3 - 5 Years Old 
  • Gospel Kids - K - 2nd Grade
  • Gospel Students - 3rd - 5th Grade
We use the Gospel Project for Kids curriculum for the Children's Ministry at GLC.  The Gospel Project for Kids is a Christ-centered ongoing weekly Bible study resource that looks at the big picture of God's story, the story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Each week, kids of all ages will follow a chronological timeline of Bible events while learning how each story points to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

And now for this week's lesson... 

Jesus Forgave Peter

This upcoming Sunday your child will learn about: Jesus Forgave Peter
Story Point:  The disciples had turned away from Jesus when He was arrested, but Jesus still wanted to use them in God’s plan—as fishers of men who would tell people the good news about Jesus. Jesus is the Lord who forgives us and makes things right again.
Family Bible Reading: “This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent—Jesus Christ.” John 17:3
Big Picture Question:  How do we know that God wants us to know Him?
Big Picture Answer: We can know that God wants us to know Him because He has revealed Himself through His Word.

Gospel Gems to Discuss at Home

Gospel Tots (ages 1 & 2 years old)
  • Jesus loved His friends and wanted them to follow Him. Jesus loves us and wants us to follow Him, too.
Gospel Tykes (ages 3 -5 years old)
  • Jesus showed His friends that He still loved them and wanted them to follow Him. Jesus forgives and loves everyone who trusts in Him.
Gospel Kids (K - 2nd grade)
  • When Jesus was arrested, His disciples ran away. Jesus showed His friends that He still loved them and wanted them to keep following Him. Even though we sin, Jesus forgives us and wants us to follow Him.
Gospel Students (3rd - 5th grade)
  • The disciples had turned away from Jesus when He was arrested, but Jesus still wanted to use them in God’s plan—as fishers of men who would tell people the good news about Jesus. Jesus is the Lord who forgives us and makes things right again.

Watch the Video Lesson Below!




